Mikailah Thompson, Black Nimíipuu (Nez Perce): Determined to make a difference Mikailah is an artist, activist & entrepreneur. A Resiliency Fund Grantee Partner from Idaho, Mikailah lifts up and embraces both her communities through her work and activism. Mikailah co-hosts the podcast Quantum Theory with fellow artist Kellen Lewis, Black Nimíipuu (Nez Perce). The podcast amplifies Black-Indigenous voices as they share their own personal experiences of being biracial. In episode 33, MITA’ÁPTIT WAX̣ MITÁAT, Thirty-Three: Listening Waves, Diversify they discuss viewing recommendations. Here’s what they’re watching and learning from: They’ve Gotta Have Us, 2019, a docuseries that traces the history of Black cinema, created by Simon Frederick. Available on Netflix. RUMBLE: The Indians Who Rocked the World, 2018, a documentary